I learnt a lesson in corporate branding today from one of the unlikeliest sources – Google My Business.

In the past few days, I have been working on SEO for one of the sister websites within the organisation I work with. Part of the process entails registering the company on Google My Business and this requires getting a verification code either by mail or video from the search giant.

The mail option was to allow Google send a postcard with the code enclosed to a specified address. This would have been an easy option if not that it requires waiting for some days.

The video verification option which was instantaneous involved taking a live, virtual tour of the business location with a Google CS rep who joined via Hangout.

The tour was going well until the CS rep asked me to take him inside the facility. His reason was to see a proof that the name of the company I am trying to get verified is branded within the interiors of the building.

Prior to then, I have never observed that the interiors of the building were not branded with the name of the company although we have a conspicuous signage just outside the gate. To cut a long story short, the video verification was disapproved. Now I will have to wait for the code to arrive via mail.

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